Helps relieve soreness and fatigue from joints, bad backs, and other body parts. Reduces soft tissue injury recovery time by 30%. Dead Sea Black Mud Poultice with 21 enriched minerals added. Apply to injured area with or without a wrap. 100% natural.
More Info...Has beneficial effects on muscle soreness & fatigue and on arthritis. Extracts heat and swelling from joints and body parts. Relieves aches & pains. Prevents stiffness after exercising, relaxing muscles.
More Info...This 100% natural ocean sulphur soap with a fresh lemongrass scent helps you stay active and free of skin conditions. It improves hygiene, deep cleans pores and soothes irritable skin.
More Info...This 100% natural soap stops itching. It penetrates pores and soothes & softens skin. Safe to use on sensitive skin. Effective on Psoriasis, Eczema, Acne, Rosacea, Allergic Reactions, and other skin ailments.
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